Monday, May 19, 2008

WTF*** Training?

What do we mean by training??
as per the Oxford Dictionary, Training (noun) is the activity or process of teaching or learning a skill, discipline, etc. Now trainee is that individual or a group of persons who undergoes the training & trainer/s is a individual or a group of persons who trains Horses, footballers... (he he..) as a profession!
Tell me who is the trainee & the trainer in the LIFE ? Well that's really difficult! to answer, to determine: because of our pre occupied ideas about the trainer & trainee! In the corporate world, trainee will be the employee ( Executives, Managers, & so on) In school trainee will be the kids (Generally he he ...) So same is the case with all colleges / school/s of thought!!!

What I really feel is in the LIFE every individual plays two true roles yeah i.e. trainee & trainer!
There is a reason why I feel this way because "Learning is a natural, ongoing process that has structure, with both a natural and rational cycle. Natural learning processes centre around the development of unconscious competence. Rational learning processes centre around the development of conscious competence."
Even a kid of 3-4 years learns how to say maa,mom whatever!!!!

On the one hand s/he(NO intention of gender discrimination!!) can constantly learn the new things, acquire the new skills of doing (or avoiding he he...) work by following his superiors(generally), observing them! and on the another hand, s/he gives his GYAAAN to subordinates, iisytudents & so on!!

WTF*** we think that we can solve all the problems when we don't know what might be the consequences... Training is the bull shit thing which is done through PPT & generally all the trainees are asked to learn all the dammm business process in that 1 or 2 hrs. Then these trainers who give all the gyaan generally from books... "HR doesn't know how the business is done so HR guys are dumb & good for nothing" - is the general view of all the employees! Also HR is with full of cheeks who are dumb... figures blah blah!! Am not in a mood to complete this crap so bieee for now! F*** you A**!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Notes To Myself

"What do I want to be in life?"

This being the first post ever I'd like to start with some kind of basic & real questions of life!
Assumption is there is a reason for living that is separate from life.
As in the usual rat race I'm running hard to get all the material things available in the market, & still want something different actually but not getting enough clearly.
Why the hell I just can't be like others who are or may be happy with what they have got or looking for getting the things MONEY can buy!!
I know there are so much really great things you can own but I also feel that there are some things which nobody can buy through money! At least not peace!

As I look back, one of the most constant & powerful things I have experienced is the desire to be more than I am at the moment...
"A desire to increase the boundaries of my self, a desire to feel more, learn more, express more,
A desire to grow, improve, purify, expand and finally to distribute what I've..."
I know change is constant! But it's hard to accept because, when I think I've learned the way of living Life changes and then I am same at that point zero to start the whole process once again!
The trouble is that I constantly analyze my life instead of living it, enjoying it as it is...

Well I think it’s enough for time being...
& last but not least thanks to the person who inspired me... (ankita Wasan)

God bless you...