Thursday, May 15, 2008

Notes To Myself

"What do I want to be in life?"

This being the first post ever I'd like to start with some kind of basic & real questions of life!
Assumption is there is a reason for living that is separate from life.
As in the usual rat race I'm running hard to get all the material things available in the market, & still want something different actually but not getting enough clearly.
Why the hell I just can't be like others who are or may be happy with what they have got or looking for getting the things MONEY can buy!!
I know there are so much really great things you can own but I also feel that there are some things which nobody can buy through money! At least not peace!

As I look back, one of the most constant & powerful things I have experienced is the desire to be more than I am at the moment...
"A desire to increase the boundaries of my self, a desire to feel more, learn more, express more,
A desire to grow, improve, purify, expand and finally to distribute what I've..."
I know change is constant! But it's hard to accept because, when I think I've learned the way of living Life changes and then I am same at that point zero to start the whole process once again!
The trouble is that I constantly analyze my life instead of living it, enjoying it as it is...

Well I think it’s enough for time being...
& last but not least thanks to the person who inspired me... (ankita Wasan)

God bless you...

1 comment:

Anka Wisha said...

Wow, that was a really sweet comment :). I'm glad I made you write again! Everyone should express themselves and it's about time you started too yeah?
And nice to hear that you think I speak like Lord Krishna, he used to be my favourite of the lot back when I did believe in God, that is.
Thank You Deep,
Keep writing, and reading!