Monday, January 12, 2009

Man is ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man is a social animal! Yet if we remove so called ^social^ then he remains ANIMAL! Very greedy!
When we have individual interest then we form group & at least try to go along with the group formed till our interest, purpose is achieved and then (it might not happen always) sometimes you lose touch with those buddies of your so called special group! Take for example the current placement season… of my campus. Our class of 53 is divided & divided well in small groups which consist of not more than 4 BUDDIES (?)
If groups which are formed for definite purpose work accordingly then it do not have the danger of any unlikely events but if it is not the case then Quarrel between the two parties becomes inevitable!

Shit happens…. Still life moves on!
“Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, we must loose in order to gain, because some lessons are best when learnt through pain” 


Nikhil said...

I dont agree to comparisn of Animals to human in context of Greed...
Bcoz Animals simply done have Greed..

Nice blog.. Saglyaat best line ahe
LAST line... 100% experienced Truth !!

Dk said...

अरे मित्रा कसं आहे की माणसातल्या माणूसकीचा लोप पाऊन जेंव्हा तो/ती अत्यंत खालच्या (नीच!!) पातळीला जातो नं तेंव्हाची ही सो कॉल्ड "ग्रीड" ची कन्सेप्ट
मांडली आहे इथं. आता हे संदर्भ बदले आहेत फारच... :(

Thanks a lot! :)

Donnn Complain ... Either Do Something About it or Shut-Up !!! ;)

Rush said...

Liked ur final punchline...“Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, we must loose in order to gain, because some lessons are best when learnt through pain”
totally agree dude!!

Dk said...

Hey Rush thank you (Btw what is the meaning of your name?? :D :D) Do visit my other blog too! If you cann read marathi!! :)

Janhavi :-) said...

Hey thats a great write up.
And its very true . "Not some but i feel all the lessons are BEST leart through pain" .
Keep writing.

By the way - do something about Marasim.
Put a post there.

Ankho se ansuo ke Marasim purane hai.
Mehmaan ye ghar mei aaye to chubhta nahi dhua..
Uthata to hai ghata sa barasata nahi dhua . . .
Ankho mei jal raha hai kyu, buzhta nahi dhuaa...

Dk said...

Hey Janhavi thanks a lot for readin this 1 :-) Ya i do agree sometimes we have to learn this way too.

Now about marasim i had infact i have that blog for writing in our national language yesssssss Hindi GOOD HINDI now I'll surely write! will be starting by Marasim!! thanks once again.